There are a lot of options when it comes to automatic pool cleaners, and they’re not cheap either, so it’s important to make an educated decision when buying one. We review some of the most popular cleaners out there right now so that you have the necessary information to make the best selection for your needs.
Do I Need an Automatic Pool Cleaner?
If you have consistent weekly pool service, technically you don’t need an automatic pool cleaner, but many pool owners still prefer to have one. This is especially true if your pool typically accumulates a lot of leaves or other debris on a daily basis, and also if having your pool looking cleaner in between weekly visits is important to you. it’s also important to consider that automatic vacuums work best when you have a dedicated vacuum port built into your pool (a small capped opening along one of the walls of your pool that has suction to plug a hose into). If you don’t have one, you’ll have to plug it into the skimmer of your pool instead, which works just fine, but will can also allow leaves to accumulate on the surface over your pool.
Whatever You Get, Consider an In-Line Canister
No matter which automated pool cleaner you go with, we highly recommend using an in-line canister. The canister catches leaves and other debris before they get to the pump, which will help maintain your equipment over time. Basically any in-line canister will get the job done, but if a lot of leaves, dog hair, sediment, etc fall into your pool, we recommend using a higher capacity canister like the Hayward W530. The Zodiac Cyclonic Leaf Catcher and the Hayward AquaStar Standard W560 are perfect for pools that accumulate lower amounts of debris.
Top Recommendation: Zodiac G3
Instead of saving the best for last, we’re going to give you our #1 recommendation first, the Zodiac G3. Usually priced around $300, It’s far less expensive than many robotic models and works just as well, if not better. It has great suction, which allows it to climb walls easily and helps to prevent it from getting stuck places. It also works with basically any pump, performing well even when running your pump at a lower speed. They’re easy to install and are generally more reliable than other vacuums over time since they don’t have many moving parts. If you notice that there are parts of your pool the vacuum isn’t touching, try lengthening the hose. If you notice the hose getting tangled up on itself regularly, try shortening the hose.
Runner-Up: The PoolCleaner
For all the same reasons as the Zodiac G3, this is also a great automatic vacuum. The main difference being that it is a bit more expensiove, around $410. It also has more moving parts that can break down over time, usually meaning it won’t last quite as long as the Zodiac.
Are Robotic Pool Cleaners Good?
Generally speaking, robotic pool cleaners work well, but they are just considerably more expensive than the two other automatic vacuums listed above. They can be programmed to the size and shape of your pool and can clean the entire pool very quickly. The Dolphin Nautilus Plus is a great option around $780 and so is the Maytronics Dolphin Proteus DX3 around $600.